Monday, November 21, 2005


Boring Meals

Meals just aren’t what they used to be and if I hold out, my mistress generally comes up with something better. Sometimes I can even get her to hand feed me.

Ebbey was found starving in a garbage dump and it took a number of months before her immune system improved. She would vomit up to seven times a day, unless fed every few hours. Because of this, and even though Ebbey is now very healthy, I am always scared when she doesn’t eat. I’ve even gone as far as hand feeding her, just enough to prevent her from vomiting up bile.
She gets fed three times a day and because of allergies, has a very small list of foods she can eat. Her meals consist of either .4 pounds (180 grams) of cooked ground beef, elk or bison plus brown rice. At dinner time she also gets a tablespoon of ground broccoli and jicama which is a Mexican type potato. Plus a clove of minced garlic and a tablespoon of olive oil. As of late, Ebbey has become increasingly disinterested in her limited diet. So I’ve been adding a bit of ground beef liver to one or two meals per day. Once or twice weekly she gets a large tablespoon of raw pumpkin, millet and blueberries on occasion. Though mildly allergic, I also try to give her a couple tablespoons of salmon or sardines once or twice a week. Turkey is also good except that she will start scratching if given more than twice a week. Most every other food causes a reaction. She also gets ground vitamins, though I have to be careful there as well for allergies. So unless the meat is freshly prepared she gets a bit picky and refuses to eat or expects to be hand fed.

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