Friday, September 30, 2005


Ear Cleaning

Though sometimes my ear needs cleaning, and I lay down to have it done, I really don’t like it.

Dogs with allergies, often have ear infections. Allergies irritate the ear’s mast cells which leads to increased production of ear wax and other secretions, which can then become infected by skin bacteria and attract yeast spores unless regularly cleaned. Infections occur much faster in floppy eared dogs, due to increased temperature and less air flow. No matter how careful I am with Ebbey’s diet, allergies flare up from time to time. Strangers sometimes feed her a biscuit without asking, which can lead to her vomiting. Even chewing the wrong tree branch or eating a bug can trigger itching. Luckily, Ebbey’s health is now very good and most reactions now involve a bit of scratching and increased ear discharge. You can always tell when there is a problem, as she either starts shaking her ear or it may also feel very hot. I’ve avoided any ear infections by cleaning the ear daily.

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